Updating daily from the 2011 WorldSkills International Competition in London, England!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Such Things to be Thankful For

God has an interesting way of taking away things in our lives that we thought we'd never lose. Yet in the place of those (sometimes painful) departures, he inserts fresh perspectives and opportunities for greater things. I am watching opportunities in my life disappear left and right only to be replaced by grander and more eternal opportunities. And at the opportune moment... ok ok enough with the cheeseball opportune-ness. You get the point. So today as our nation stops to be thankful, I too can say with confidence that I am thankful. Despite what emotions I might be feeling in regards to changes in my life, I am learning to see Gods hand in it all. Because His hand is there. It always has been, and always will be. Now there is something to be thankful for.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My Little Nephew

Seth Daniel Jose has arrived! :) Ok so he's not really my nephew, but it's close enough.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My Prayer Request

I need prayer. I know that God wants a bigger place in my life than I am giving Him right now. I want that to change. But I need Him to change me. I need His strength.