Updating daily from the 2011 WorldSkills International Competition in London, England!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Journey Begins: San Luis Obispo to Washington D.C.

Hello friends,
Day 1 of my adventure has come to a close, and I think it can be best summed up in one word: tiring. Made it safely to Washington D.C. where I met up with the rest of the SkillsUSA WorldTeam for a meeting over dinner. We have a pretty busy schedule planned for tomorrow including multiple House and Senate visits, a White House visit, and a team photo in front of the United States Capitol. Tomorrow will be an early morning, so I am off to try and tackle this project of getting my body to adjust to the time change. Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated! Check back tomorrow for a report on our day on Capitol Hill!


  1. Brother! My tip is to get into bed and shut your eyes. Oh, and Tylenol PM does wonders... Love you and we are praying for you! ~abs

  2. D-Lehm! Glad you made it safe to the East Coast. Get some rest on that overseas flight and soak up that alone time with the Lord before you're busy busy busy again. The Lord has surely blessed you to be given such a spotlight opportunity to shine His light to others! I think you'll do great out there brother. Now go do that work and do it well. He's the man!

  3. Awesome to follow this live! We are cheering for you from the Kardel house!
    RE Jet Lag: Get on the new time zone as soon as you can (even in the plane), adjust meals to that zone as soon as you can. Change your watch to destination time as soon as you get onboard the plane. Drink lots of water, try to stay up and go to bed at reasonable hours in destination so you can get in the groove fast. Nothing resets your clock like a walk without a hat in the sun, so get outside if possible.

  4. Right behind you....See you in London. Take your vitamins...Do all to the glory of God>
