Updating daily from the 2011 WorldSkills International Competition in London, England!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 4 Photos!

At the headquarters of Vale with our Dutch friends Leonard and Anne.

Interviewing for a Brazilian newspaper.

The beginnings of the crowd.


  1. Nice threads! Wouldn't have guessed you were from the wee-town of SLO. :) Have you had an opportunity to testify your faith yet? What's your experience so far with fellowship and opposition?

  2. grrr, ruff, ruff, grrrr, bark! Yip Yip grrrrr.

    Nakita misses you man - actually, it is really funny to watch her walk around the house looking for you. She goes and lays her head on your bed and then looks around rather pathetically. Then, she runs into the living room, tries to get through the kitchen to the bathroom, goes outside, comes back in, and does it all over again.

    I'm glad things seem to be going well for you. Can't wait to hear all the details.
